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Recent Movie Reviews

127 Movie Reviews

I will only give two stars for the first two flashes.
I feel that the colab could have been a profound falsh animation colab on this site, but the seemingly lack of effort from the rest of the contributors have completely downgraded the worth of this. Not only that, but the style of art just seemed to drop to the rock bottom, and the story just seems to become nothing but poop jokes. I dont know what RadioTubeClock and Pop-Tart are thinking about the result of this colab, but i feel bad for those two, putting all that effort to be shitted upon with these other animators.
The clockcrew isn't just spam, but it could and should be a group where all the animators have the skills to make great films that all users can enjoy on this site. I enjoy a few of the clockcrew animations because of their dedication to the animation, their enthusiasm, and their real skill in art. i hope the other clockcrew members can go and carry the torch on for the actual dedicated members.
I hope you can reassess your situations, and do a better job in the future.

all my yes belongs to this

Loved your conception and interpretation of PewDIePie, and your humor along the way. The thing i love about your videos are those little "hidden" frames that contain some funny gag or some shit.
keep it coming.

Speedo responds:

I love to do those "hidden" frames, keeps me entertained while trudging through the rougher parts of animating

Recent Game Reviews

18 Game Reviews

Good game overall despite clunky gameplay.

Find the desk in the classroom and use the crowbar to open it up to find the combo. Good hunting.

A game after me.....lol
nice job!

Kajio responds:

This isn't the last time you'll be violated, yet, AJ

Recent Audio Reviews

24 Audio Reviews

This is a really nice piece that contains really nice melodic pitches, has a good tempo, nice rhythm, and dynamics were overall good. The intro was very nicely done, and i loved how the drums kicked in at 0:37. It was very nice to listen to, and the musical blend here is very nicely done. The guitar was a nice touch to the end.

I only identified a few flaws in which i thought could be perfected a bit:

When using that organ synth in 1:44, the pitch was really high, and kinda hard to listen to for the first 10-20 seconds afterwords, but the synth got bearable when other synths kicked in at 2:18. Also, a few notes in between these time periods didn't make to much sense, in terms of dynamics; you had a few high notes, then a few low notes, and then high again.

The song, at times, sounded "monotonous" when the tune was repeated over and over again. Sure, you used different synths with the same notes, but the tune is so overused, that the song sounds boring.

Also, at 2:44, the pitch was a bit too high, and kinda hrt my ears, so tune it down a bit.

3:21, the transition could be worked on a bit.

So really, the summary here is that i hate the part from 1:44 to 3:21, everything else had a nice musical blend and had good pitches and all. I think you need to make the pieces melodically consistent throughout the piece, as some places really didn't work out so well with one another in making sense in terms of musical melody. All in all, you did a pretty good job, and I enjoyed this piece.

MaartenC responds:

Thanks for your review mate. I'll take a good look at it. I also found that the pitch at the first climax was a tad too high, though it's quite hard to fix that. FL Studio kinda gets stuck at that point.

Recent Art Reviews

11 Art Reviews

xxxx1234 must be loved alot on the NG community.

you have successfully trolled everyone with a perception of boobs, including i (as perverted as i am)

anyways, i thought overall the style didn't really suit my taste of art, and i thought that it could be a bit more vibrant and rich in color. however, i think that the shading was nicely done and had a nice touch to this picture, so i think that you did a good job overall.

LegolaSS responds:

if it was more "vibrant" it would have missed the point...

Age 26, Male


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