
Age 26, Male


Bronx High School of Science

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Joined on 7/31/11

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Bullying and School

Posted by AppleJack - September 4th, 2012


anyways here you go:

Today, i saw one user on newgrounds, dubstepboy, leave due to the massive amount of cyberbullying he has recieved....
why people do this, i do not know, but my theory is, people is so contemt on hatred, that they want to see others suffer and they like it. these kind of people are the lowest forms of humans to walk this earth, and i have never seen so much come from a user called mandog......

Mandog, if you are reading this, change..... just do it..... you have no idea how much the world is suffering from this.you are among the .4% of the world who do such a terrible thing to spread such hatred....

i am typing this because i want to remind people of how bullying of ANY form is bad. i take it very seriously, because i remember an incident in 7th grade, where a boy has claimed he wanted to jump off the school building. us students did not take his treat seriously. i saw him about to jump, and i pushed him out of the way, and i got help from other teachers. he was then taken to a therapy session, and guess what? he was being bullied.....

again, i do take this subject very seriously,and if anyone, ANYONE, is/has been bullied, such as myself, you can PM me or post here, and i could console you.....

on to another subject, i will be starting school in two days, so i will not be on NG as much. Like Criminal-23, i will be on like 2-3 hours max. high school is a very crucial time for me, as i want to get into a prestigious university, Stanford being my dream university.

i also hope i do not witness such horrible actions being preformed in this new school i am going to.... i have seen the school firsthanded, and i doubt i will see anything like this, but i cant let my hopes up.

Again, dont EVER do such things to others. there is this famous quote from the UN, which states:
"Do unto Others as You Would Have Them Do unto You" you could click here to see.
comments would be greatly appreciated. CONSTRUCTIVE ONES TOO! not some shit like tl:dr or some other soulless shit...

Bullying and School


when I was in 6th grade, this guy, curses at me, frames me, spits at me, all that bullshit. 5th grade almost the entire class just trashes my classroom. then theres this one fat bitch in 5th grade, who keeps giving me bruses. I just glad those days are over. yet I can't seem to forget about what has happen to me 3-6th grade.

well let me tell you, those guys are some fucking assholes who cant seem to find happines around the world.....
i remember in almost the whole of elementary school, a kid and i would consistently fight.... for hatred..... i cant figure out why he hates me as well.... so we kind of in the same shoes here

I'm not remotely sorry for anything I said to him. Partly because he's too young to be on here in the first place (he's 12), but mostly because dubsteptard deserved every last bit of it. He was, and still is, a total fucking moron. He will not be missed by anyone besides the equally retarded people who somehow found his newspost shit entertaining. One less faggot on Newgrounds = good.

well you dont have to fucking say so much shit to him to get him out of a website, you could be something called "polite" and "human" not this bullshit. i mean, would you like it if people kept spamming your userpage with hate pm's? no! he took on a lot, and i think that was way beyond extreme. for you to say one less faggot on here is really mean and i think you should consider what you said there.....

plus, people are free to go where they want on the internet. you cant tell themwhat to do, especially force them. also, who would find this "entertaining"? why would anyone what to be entertained by someone being suffered from hate?

wow i really didn't know there is people have that much of hate in there hearts so they enjoy hurting people feelings like this and watching them suffer :( dubstepboy was really good guy all what he did to make them hate him is creating bad animations , in fact it's not bad at all for someone on his age , i was really enjoying watching his tests and watch his skills getting batter day after day , he was really good person and he was enjoy and have fun on NG and that's the most important thing , in fact that's why they made NG to have fun right ?? the problem is the are people like mandog who don't understand this , i just wish he come back and sorry for my bad english cuz it's not my home language

dont mind the grammar, i understand you.
i also enjoyed him animating, and i too was pleased with him nurishing in animation and tests. i saw them get more swifter, better, and sleeker, but it is unfortunate to see a persons with so much potential to leave this site.

Looks like he wasn't able to cope with the hatred.

So, according to your theory, I'm one of those in the group of the 'lowest form of humans'. I don't spread hatred, but I enjoy it when I see people suffer in pain, especially people I don't give a fuck about, but dubstepboy was an okay user IMO.

I'm not going to lie: people that can't cope against simple hatred (which is Internet Hate) aren't worth it. I've gone through six full years of real-life hate (which is, btw, much worse than Internet Hate) but I've never given the slightest chance of giving up on myself.

In other words, dubstepboy lacks the following:
-Endurance; can't handle assaults that happen over and over.
-Determination; doesn't have a will to stay intact.
-Patience; can't keep on going.
-Knowledge; doesn't know how to solve the problem.
-Ignorance; can't ignore the harsh PMs/comments.

I'm gonna give exactly zero fucks on your response to this. Your statement of 'stop bullying' has reached my disagreement. It's unfair for people to NOT suffer from bullying while I've already went through six years of that shit.

so you want others to suffer what you have went through as well? this is interesting, because i suffered from abuse from peers and my own mother (my father is divorced and he was never in my life) and even led me to contemplate suicide.... yet i WANT to stop this kind of harassment....

i guess the difference between you and me is that im a passive person and you are a pessimistic person, giving us bi polar views... another reason why i take this seriously, is because i have seen a kid attempt suicide from this harassment, and it was a very traumatizing moment in life, as he was one of my closest friends... also america takes this kind of matter VERY seriously, especially NYC, so i got to hating this sort of thing.

and just because he cant type does NOT mean he is different from you and me, after all, he is younger then us.

ummm yeah i think you have a good idea criminal , if you were not a wolf you well be attacked by wolfs , you need to taste some hate and suffer in your life to grow up strong , we know that , but what i'm saying is dubstepboy didn't do any thing wrong to get all that hate


@SileNt-Sam: that's exactly the reason why he needs to obtain the attributes that he lacks. I'm willing to bet that he's a Beta-leveled human in real-life, thus it's obvious that he would suffer similar assaults from the internet. Beta-leveled humans receive hate and pain even though they haven't done anything wrong. On the internet, his lack of writing/typing skills and bad use of grammar has shown the majority that he's not worth it to be amongst the NG community.

I know how the system works. I've been a victim AND a bully before, thus I know what each side thinks.

My best advice for dubstepboy is to 'alpha the fuck up' and get rid of his Beta-ness. On the internet it's inevitable, but ignorance is the best attribute for him to have here.

alpha the fuck up eh? then they try and the others go ridicule him more.....

criminal , we have almost have the same way of thinking , dubstepboy i hope you reading this

i hope he is, but i will doubt it

*delete the the first "have" :3 my bad

it cool

agreed with Sheizenhammer.


Never, ever, take users as Mandog seriously. They are fun in their own way, but in no way should you see their posts as hate. It's... sad to see people leave like that.

......it is truly a terrible thing...



Hate PM's? You mean like this one (and the 300+ newspost comments that went with it):
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/9210026c035cb91d4e92b6e910efb512">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/9210026c03 5cb91d4e92b6e910efb512</a>

I find them hilarious. Hilariously inconsequential. Just like everyone with half a brain on here does.

And believe me, I did consider the 'faggot' comment. This is a site whose own rules state he shouldn't be here because of his age, and if his response to 'mean' comments is to ragequit then that just proves his mental age is even lower than his physical one (pretty much the NG definition of a faggot right there). This is not the place for easily offended people, and it never will be.

still, dont be so harsh on the other "weaker" people, and try to, maybe, TALK to them and teach them?
i mean give it a shot. i remember i was like him, and i was recieving shit from manddog as well, but he was ONE person, which was hard for me to deal with even. he received i think four or five people or shit. if i had his treatment, i would have EVER even come to where i am today. as i wrote this, i am deity, level 11, and a police captain. imagine if he could be like that.....

I have a question... What did mandog actually do?

@killer32 Bullying on dubstepboy with his friends


What you're basically saying is that we should've done this to you last year so we wouldn't be listening to your pointless white-knighting right now.

Point taken: I'll make sure to do it a lot more from now on.

......you are kidding me right?

why dont you just report to tom fulp instead of being a shit ass dick bothering to type hundreds of words and send them to them when you would write a short PM to tom where you say that the person is underaged for NG....?

this is just so simple...... and people just dont seem get logic....

If he's younger than us, then he's not supposed to be here. End of the story. The Age requirement is 13 on Newgrounds. In fact, when I was 14 and signed up on NG, I was a total faggot (at least I knew how to write). What did I get? A decent view from the majority.

People who want to commit suicide due to bullying...just let them die. I'm serious. They can't cope with anything in the future anyway.

"alpha the fuck up eh? then they try and the others go ridicule him more....."
Then he's supposed to ignore them. How the fuck is ignoring so hard for him?

Bitch, please. When people don't know how to type efficiently, the majority will think that user is either a troll or a little kid, and they dislike having little kids around. It's natural.

Oh yeah, and here's a pro tip: don't take shit seriously on the internet. If you do, you'll be in for some real emotional trouble.

All your counter-statements are invalid.

i did not expect this kind of attention....

you tried to alpha the fuck up right? you probably (this is assumption) were ridiculed as well, since you were bullied as well, so how can you ignore that? if you TRULY did ignore it, you would not have this kind of view. usually, when people are bullied, they can turn out pretty negative and pessimistic, i heard......

so you say you cant let people be on ng? well then, you must have never gone on a porn site eh?
just pointing something out.

While I am not in the mood for a grand argument, I do want to second C-23's last statement by referring you to the rule "The internet is serious business".

....ok i didnt reallly quite get that. you agree with him on it or what?

THAT SON OF A *****!!!!!!!!

THAT SON OF A *****!!!!!!!!

Sorry For Double Comment...

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