
Age 26, Male


Bronx High School of Science

New York City

Joined on 7/31/11

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when i was 7 :
me : dad is there a real santa ?
dad: no.

i found the presents in the closet and found out myself XD



Tell me, what's wrong with 4chan?


Your song was generic and painful.


Actually, it's more the fact that you don't/can't explain yourself WHY it is bad.
You had the same attitude concerning dubstep a few weeks ago. Look at you now.

So you judge something on ONE bad thing you've seen? I haven't done that with (for example) dubstep even with all the shitty examples.

Also, you are only saying that you like a genre, you're not replying to the statement I made.

lol there is no gay porn on /mlp/

I don't approve of your attitude concerning change, but ok.

Also, with that statement you are only contradicting yourself.

- You used to hate dubstep, now you like it. You admitted that several times.
- You blame your brain for being resistant to change, thus refusing anything new.
- You hate 4chan because you've once seen something bad.
- You hated dubstep for once hearing something bad.

See what I'm getting at?

I said I don't like your attitude. It's an opinion.

You've only seen /b/ or /d/. Those ARE the boards you want to avoid if you're looking for normal discussion, yes. You're judging an entire site because you've only seen about 5% of it.

I don't really care WHY you like dubstep, it's only because you are so narrow-minded that you avoid anything you've only seen/heard once, that is what -in my humble opinion- not right.

thank you

You've probably only seen*

I would kindly like to point you out to the magical word 'opinion'. If I'm correct, the internet is a place where everyone has a right to have opinions.

It's also not necessary to 'call names'. I thought we were having a simple discussion. I don't hold back when going into arguments with you, since I know you can handle it, and are able to come back with good arguments yourself.

I think we're done here. I'm sorry if I crossed the line, but I hadn't expected this reaction.

thanks for the call-out

I feel like I'm stepping in at a bad time...

i approve of this

Not getting anything for Christmas, cuz I'm 18.
stupid shit

i am getting nothing as well
fuck christmas



Gentlemen. I believe we're done discussing 4chan. Everything has been solved.

it has
dubstep however needs to be corrected

beautiful... simply beautiful
voice and the harp go together perfectly

i got to fucked apple jack!

http://cdn.memegenerator.net/inst ances/400x/29514092.jpg

...shit indeed sir.... shit indeed

It's because most dubstep is made extremely generic, without putting any effort into the drums, focusing entirely on the bass, which they often fuck up anyway. It's also all about the 'drop' these days, so that's why about 98% of all dubstep isn't even close to being called 'listenable'.

They have those weird high and lows in sounds, which really dont make sense and make and logical sense in which why they should even be together. but oh well, what can you do? people only listen to it since everyone else is doing it because everyone else is doing it. yes i did repeat it twice, cause they want to be perpetually "cool"

<a href="http://psssst.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/corkcicle_plain.jpg">http://psssst.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/c orkcicle_plain.jpg</a>
I went to a winery today with family and the old lady in the giftshop, with no sense of irony, told one of my relatives from the area that his mother would love one of these, and that they come in different colors.

Must have been a nice and non-awkward convo you had there....

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