
Age 26, Male


Bronx High School of Science

New York City

Joined on 7/31/11

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tl;dr >:P


Did`nt even read it.What do you think of this music?<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLdngdsW5PY&feature=endscreen&NR=1">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLdngdsW5PY&amp ;feature=endscreen&NR=1</a>


The problem is that we already are slaves of the government.

you see the rule of the bread and circus all the time here in my country (brazil)

here, people love a sport called soccer and everyone knows that
what the government do?
they make a lot of soccer games in the TV to people watch while they do whatever they want.
And here 60% per cent of the brazilian people are poor and because of that the government bring food to everyone. EVERYONE!!

and here, people know that they are being manipulated but they don`t care
because of that brazil is one of the most corrupted country in the world.

Just some months ago theres a case that they caught a big, fucking money laundering and when they see who are the people involved 9/10 of then are or was a government worker.
and what they do? they minimize the penalty to 20 years of prison
and the guiltys don`t even give the names of the others who are with them and that means that they don`t give any help to the government to arrest the others because of that, they got the penalty minimized. nice heh?

here in brazil they not accept death penalty, even if the real penalty needs to be death (for very dangerous people for example)

i didn`t say so much but... things don`t work so well here...

wtf is wrong with that guy below?

i guess going with your hypothetical theory with us being "slaves" you could say the this UHC does increase that "slavery" amungst the people.

that thing with the corruption doesnt really have to do with anything in this topic, but i respect these ideas.

the guy below is retarded i think

Well, with all the debts the USA now is in, I wouldn't really recommend the UHC. More than 50% of the Netherlands' state expenses goes to health care, namely around 100 billion, if I'm correct. The US would have to expend much, much more to guarantee health care to everyone, so yeah...

wow.... that is a really good argument against this.

The obvious attacks for the opposition to make are against your central assumption (governments should make people equal) and the claim that public healthcare will be less expensive while extending coverage. To do that, it must greatly reduce quality of healthcare just for the numbers to work out. But yeah, if governments exist just to make us equal, there's no logical limit on taxing and spending.

Also, I'm not sure how much of the assignment is expected to be citations vs. your own argument, but you might want to check that you didn't use too many or too few the quotes in proportion to the speech as a whole. Anyway it kinda sucks that you have to pick up a side of the debate you don't actually support.

You are correct on that part with my assumption, as it is the veil of ignorance arguments. this is a philosophical theory made by john rawls which states that everyone is under some sort of "veil" where you dont know their personality, race, gender, etc, and you just know that they are human beings who should be treated as equally as you should. that is implied to the government, because the government cant see everyone as individualized deings, as it is impossible, so thus, they have to assume the veil of ignorance. also, UHC does reduce it greatly, which is an argument that could refute my case. that last point you made their was VERY intelligent.

holy fucking shit you do not know how much i fucking hate this topic. this system is so fucking socialist it isnt even FUNNY!

To AdrianoNieradka
I wanted to post that in the apples post,but then Applejack would`nt have saw it.I didn`t expect Applejack to make a serious post after that one by the way.

lol sry


I`m bored and spending a lot of time on youtube and sharing videos.

If you say no,at least state your opinion about this.<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Y7k3eB2is">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Y7k3eB2is</a>


What does STFU means?Also,how would you see yourself in a world where you have a flamethrower and this as your theme song?<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3RHIojoD3U">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3RHIojoD3U</a>

STFU = Shut The Fuck UP ...... bitch lol

Do know that I still am in favour of UHC, but since the USA have a reputation to maintain, as well as a certain role in the world concerning wars and such, they can't cut in their army costs, thus are unable to make extra expenses.

Anyway, the Netherlands only spends .7% of the state income on the military so yeah...

(Don't attack us please)

you make a really good political point there!

.7% eh?

(drop the bass XD)

Alright,i`ll stop if i`m bothering you,but you should have been clearer with what you were saying instead of just getting me to be called bitch.I won`t send you anymore links because i just take your no means you didn`t even check them.Your two last newposts were pretty pointless and this debate isn`t as interesting as the others you did,you can see that by the number of comments.But that doesn`t mean you should just say `no,i won`t watch those links and won`t tell you why either`.And as i don`t have anything to say about this debate,i`ll just end the message here.

so why spam me?

And I thank you, mate.

no problemo


That`s a good question,i`m sorry for doing that.In one of the comments i just i was bored and on youtube and the links i sent were the videos i found that i saw the most interesting,i didn`t want to spam and i`m not a retarded faggot bitch,after you told me i was a faggot for claiming useless comments i only posted these sort on siralex`s page.Anyway,thanks for not insulting me(at least that time),ESPECIALLY like Silent-Sam did(He`s a brony too right?Wow,he really deserves to live in Equestria with such charming language...and i know he`s tipying but does he kiss his mother with THAT mouth?),so it`s that i guess we can stop this discussion now and i`ll just look foward to your next news posts which are not about debate.

sorry for rudeness, but i was afraid you were going to do a wholescale spam, but i prefer comments that relate to my newspost.... sorry