
Age 26, Male


Bronx High School of Science

New York City

Joined on 7/31/11

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My fact is global warming and this planet turning into venus pretty much,
Venus is that way because of global warming.

venus is too close to the sun, not becuase of global warming
global warming is cause by excess of CO2 from gasoline, which traps the suns heat inside of earth, causing the increase in temperature. this is also know as the greenhouse effect.
venus, however, is just so damned close to the sun, they never had cars, gasoline, life, waters, or any sort of organisms.
for us to be destroyed by global warming is kinda funny, considering the fact that levels of CO2 is decreasing.

Whelp, time to cash some checks and break some necks >:D

rip their heads off!

Our hollow Earth will finally collapse inward a few weeks from now.

That is probably the BEST PREDICTION EVER!!!!! :D

lol discord will happen

I think its a bunch of crap and is not going to happen

yea im with you on that

By christian laws, as long as we believe the world will end on a certain date it won't happen. So if we believe the world will end every day, it will go on forever.
By the world ending I think people just mean the end of the human race. The world will probably thrive once we're gone.

Christians believe that?
im an atheist so i dont know too much about religion, besides the fact that they worship some sort of deity.
the Mayan calendar states that when it started, civilization began, which was around 3000 bc. around this time, actually civilization was starting at primitive levels, with mesopotamia and Egypt. so take note that when it ends...

do u hav ciderrrr

i got that special cider :3
just for you

I'm Christian and I call for bullshit. I've always learned that we all have our 'own apocalypse', and when we die, we die; our time has simply come.


Oh lawdy. I never thought I could say 'I'm Christian' and 'I call for bullshit' within the same sentence.

religious much?

I don't believe the world is going to end.
but that day would be my last, I would spend my last few minutes watching the sunset on top of a mountain in Nevada.

......deep man.... deep....

There's a silver lining the world ending, though:

You'll be dead.


Not really, actually.

i find religeon to actually be losing power. i mean, the knowledge of space, earth, life, and philosophy is really influencing to world more than religeon....

i wish something really bad happend that day

cross your fingers XD

I DONT WANA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ur not gonna die, dont worry
ur probably gonna be crushed from brutal depression from the aftermath of the fiscal cliff, euro zone breaking up, the stock market being shreaded 50 percent, and you having no more money due to loss of buying power.
^but alas, those are predictions

I forgot the other possibility: one of the turtles carrying our planet will lose balance and we'll fall off.

what if....
turtles were our gods this whole time?

Oh so the end of the world is gonna happen?

When will it happen this time?

december 21 2012
lol Mayans

i feel boooooooooring .... that means the end is comeing

oh sheet

Nickalie: Takeo if you make one fat joke about me i will gut you like fourth wife!
Nickalie: When I get out of this chimeny you are dead!!

that should be a nice comic...

Yeah, though that's because most religions are desperately stuck to tradition. As the wise Daila Lama once said 'If science proves religion wrong, relegion's gotta adapt' (not exact quote).

I do notice that most of the churches I go to do tend to tell about useful stuff, telling about modern problems and how to approach them.

some example of religion that is REALLY stuck to its tradition is islam, for they ARE SOOOO FUCKING ARROGANT to the modern views.

i guess religion will do SOME beneficial things, such as the bible with Christianity, as it perches on how a man should be morally good.

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