Fuck yeah.
Age 26, Male
Bronx High School of Science
New York City
Joined on 7/31/11
Fuck yeah.
fuck me.
fuck me.
Fuck yea.
I voted against him, but frankly I'm happy. Four years from now the Democrats will have even less believable excuses for the economy staying in the shitter, and people will be more likely to back a farther-right candidate than Mitt Romney. If Romney had won, I think his centrist policies (he said in one of the debates he likes regulations) would have the same effect as Obama's, and people would start saying again that free enterprise doesn't work, even though we haven't given it a real shot since 1913.
Most voters are now clearly extremists: they won't throw out Democrats on the same principle they rejected Republicans in 2008. Now I just have to worry about making them the right kind of extremist.
Obama, like bush, has made their respective parties more shittier than they look, and i am kinda happy that obama did that, since i have republican beliefs. The problem with this election was that omney didn't "shine" as much as obama, and he did some falters, such as the 47 percent thingy (which is fucking bullshit, as he was stating facts and he NEVER insults them... which kinda proves how stupid this country is). romney is A FANTASTIC businessman, regardless of any one against him, i think we could all agree on that. he does have the leadership ability, and he was a governor for a VERY democratic state! his legislature there was EIGHTY SEVEN percent democrat! imagine how good he could be now, when the house is republican! now we have to deal with more bickering between the house and obama.....
"....they won't throw out Democrats on the same principle they rejected Republicans in 2008"
the thing is is that obama is half black, so part of this nation is already with him by default. bush was different, as he was "rich" and "white" which is bullshit. obama did ABSOLUTLY nothing in office, and he deserves to get out.
also, i just want to add that i always ask why a supporter of obama likes him, and they just go ahead and say how "stupid" romney is. i always attack them with 2 examples on how good romney is, and they either dont talk or say "oh shit"
the dow jones plummeted because of this fucking shit president.....
we cant have a business friendly leader?
Who the fuck even cares about politics. Focus on your own damn life. If shit gets bad, move.
i do.... and im a success
It's true that Romney worked Democrats, but that makes me question how much he actually believes in the capitalist setup. I mean, he speaks favorably of businesses' existence, but he still would've kept the economy mixed (to a lesser extent, but still mixed), which I don't think is nearly as workable as a free one. Contrary to media claims, Bush's administration added thousands of regulations, and the economy stagnated; Obama did roughly the same thing, give or take a few powers of ten, and nothing improved. I think the economy works best when there's no chance for crony regulations, and I hope the next 4 years will show voters what happens when there's plenty of chance for them. It's obviously going to be rougher this way, but there's at least a chance people will be smarter in decades to come.
Anyway, time to distribute e-copies of Frederic Bastiat's "The Law."
I completely agree with you on the free economy thing, but people these days are so fucking lazy and stupid, that i cant really bear it anymore, and i cant stand how a 14 year old like me can be so much smarter than a 20-30 year old today, which disgusts me on the stupidity of our nation, but makes me happy that i am getting quality education.
there is ONE thing i would regulate, and that is welfare. that is simply something that, according to romney, 47 percent of this nation takes for granted. it seems to me that people dont care for privilege that they receive, and they instead use it to their own free will, and that sickens me, ESPECIALLY for the fact that they have 2 arms, 2 legs, and a healthy brain, and somehow cant fucking find a job, and use the excuse that they have children to receive money. if i were president, i would tell those kind of people that they have until the end of my term to find a job, and get off welfare, or they will be sent to jail. yes it is harsh, but we need to fix our deficit, and this is probably the only realistic solution for me.
what would u do?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMkRAFZxfRM&feature=BFp&list=WLAC773293F4C9B871">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMkRAFZxfRM& ;feature=BFp&list=WLAC773293F4C9B871</a>
Well, a lot of people will back their welfare system just because they only think of themselves in the short term (the opening of this ad speaks for itself: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xdO1_GZJWY">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xdO1_GZJWY</a> ). The real question is how many voters on welfare are willing to keep raising taxes on others to pay for whatever they want, and how many non-welfare voters feel like they owe others something just for being alive. Assuming the voting majority remains intractable, Plan B is a new Confederacy. In that worst case scenario, you'll want to arm yourself while it's relatively cheap.
this probably is the video that sums it all (except for police brutality, it doesn't exist anymore..... at least in NYC)
obama is with this kind of system, and if he does this, we will become greece in no time, where everyone is lazy and our debt is outrageously high, and the matter of fact that obamacare is shit and the majority of the house is republican, giving us and wall street a whole shit load of shit to deal with in the next four years.
Fuck yeah obama won :D
Yay, I hate romney
Obama's re-election is pretty gay. <a href="https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/406822_290652177718083_101944493_n.jpg">https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak -snc7/s720x720/406822_290652177718083_10194449 3_n.jpg</a>
oh god.....
Maybe the weekend will soothe my mind.
Not likely since I have exams before Thanksgiving break.
Meh. Atleast you don't have Julia Gillard over there DX
obama is equally as bad
we are at a time where the us will have a chain of bad presidents
fuck us