
Age 26, Male


Bronx High School of Science

New York City

Joined on 7/31/11

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<a href="http://funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/4147056/Alpha+as+fuck/">http://funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/4147056/Al pha+as+fuck/</a>
If you succeed, betas will always envy you, but that doesn't mean you should stop.

I actually scare people with my knowledge and i love to do that.... make me feel superior.....
butsometimes i pity them, but really, i mostly dont care

That isn't even something you should think about. College of course. Who the fuck cares what the 'plebs' think about you?

actually, come to think of it, yea, who the fuck cares? im good, and if they suck, that is their problem, and y should i care? they had the chance to go to school and get quality education, so why should i be srry for them?

Just don't go showing off, it is hurtful to people. Otherwise, indeed, fuck them.

i dont show off, i only do so when they act all smart ass, then i challenge them, and i anal rape their logic/intelligence XD.

kk. Good day to you then :P

good night :P

Well, for me I currently have...Fuck it it's the weekend.
My 3 days of freedom :D


In my case, College is going well, except western art class.
you know the first day, In art class, I thought I'll learn about the ways of drawing and sculpting, but instead it was a class to learn the History of western art, I was like "what the fuck".
I couldn't withdraw from this class, once you decide, you can't go back.

art history is fucking boring IMO, i always never liked art (is in drawings and such) and always find them to be so BORING.
if you gonna learn something about art, go learn music or drama. that more interesting.

my little pony is gay

my little pony is a bundle of sticks?
that does not make any sense....

I like apples too.Don't talk mine promise?

talk your promise..... what?



Another brony?
And he's 14, that's rich.
It would be OK if that wasn't your top interest, queer.
<3 <3 <3

it isnt.... :P

"also, i will fear that i f i work so hard, i will see to much of the world, and view them as idiots...."

my jimmies be rustled as well....

A ghetto ponyfag failing high school.

What else is new?

i won the debate tournament

Trying to prove that you're not a faggot on the Internet? That's a debate tournament for you?

Lol, enjoy your welfare, kid.

....funny thing is.... i debate against welfare....
and i won....

I think your content within your News Post is incredibly retarded. Studying is a major factor why I was retarded when I was 10 years of age (studying everyday and getting A's). What made me literate? Experience, not school (my English was incompetent SHIT at that time). All these writing skills that I have are not gained from English classes. I literally gained my writing skills from TELEVISION, INTERNET, VIDEO GAMES AND NOVELS. Holy fuck, right? You're gonna imply that I'm lying, right? You think I'm drunk, right? NO.

And dude, if you really need to study every single fucking day in order to gain A's or something, then your IQ is below average. I can mastermind any subject in less than 30 minutes and gain an A. It's not hard at all (yes, I'm in fucking 9th Grade and the Mathematics level here is 3 Grades harder than in Europe and America). I have rather smart students in my grade that study Chinese (their weak language) for 4 hours every day and still fail a Chinese test, whereas I study for only a mere 10 minutes and be able to pass the test (Chinese is my second weakest subject).

Guess what 'studying' means:

Stu - dying

Get it? You're basically a student who is in the process of dying on the creative side. Do yourself a favor and do productive and creative shit. Most content that you study will be completely useless for your future career(s).

And no, you don't fucking deserve a good life if you can't contribute shit to this planet. This world doesn't need smart assholes who know a lot but can't create shit.

I don't give a fuck what difference America has with Asia. Here's a TL; DR message:

--Classes in Asia (specifically China and Korea) are harder than in America, regardless of school kind, and yet I'm having an easier time than you. I have literally 5 hours of total free time, and I'm doing well on my grades.--


I can't agree with Criminal here.

While it is true that English classes only teach you correct English for e.g. novels (which is actually pretty important, just saying), they can't give you inspiration. For that, you need tv, internet, vidya and indeed, other books. Other than that, I'd like to add 'music' to that too, since most people's inspiration come from either music, or complete silence.

Also, I'd like to point out, that intelligence is the most important thing you can have nowadays. I experience (and yes, I'd like to refer to writing again) that any information on a subject can give you HUGE advantages in giving your story depth. Of course, if you're as intelligent as Criminal, you only have to study for 10 minutes, but I would like to urge you to keep studying.

Also, wtf with the stu-dying thing. Are you serious?

And I'd like to point out that a balance is needed in this world. If there are only smart(asses) on this planet, we are living a boring, yet productive life, but everyone would either die of depressions, or become a incredibly boring race, which I would be ashamed of to call 'human'.
On the other hand, if there are only creative people, we wouldn't have progressed as far as we have now. We'd still be using our own blood and piss to draw on cave walls. We wouldn't have FL studio, we wouldn't have Microsoft Office (just an example, applejack), or whatever tools we use nowadays.

And Applejack, fuck you with your tl;dr :P

do not worry i read them.... i just put them there for fun :3
we go to school from k-12 just to learn and to increase our brain power, so we will be able to learn formal education when we go to college.

also, math will be used for such things like engineering, english for literature, history for scholars, etc.

stu-dying is the most retarded thing i heard out of C-23, and i laughed my ass off.

also, i DO agree with the productiveness of one, but the part with being smart and not being productive...... that is like autism....

i go to a school tht is one of the top 100 school in this nation, and it is challenging here. of course i will not stop studying, i want to be the best, and i wanna be in a fucking awesome university....

the thing you said with the creative/smart balance is pretty much the sum of this world, but replace the creative with the retarded/labor